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MR Danny R Caldwell

Years as an Owner: 23
Horses Owned (Current): 52
Horses Owned (Lifetime): over 300
Best Horse: Fifth Date
Best Win: Oklahoma Classic Cup 2012
Trainer(s): Federico Villafranco, Karl Broberg, Elena Andrade
Profession: Owner of a Natural Stone company
Best Experience as an Owner:
Being leading owner 3 times at Remington Park
What I like about Thoroughbred Racing:
I like to compete and so do race horses. Being a HS coach for 12 years before I started my business I needed to do something to keep my competive edge. Horse have always had a special place in my heart.
How I Became a Thoroughbred Owner:
Being raised in SE Oklahoma on a farm I have been around horses all my life. Once I bought my first race horse I knew there would be more to come!
Best Advice:
Research before you get invovled. This is a great business and I learn something new almost every day...
Owner Bio

I am 47 year old horse owner from Poteau, Ok. I enjoy racing and competing at several different tracks mainly in Oklahoma and surronding States. I